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Creating Subtasks

We’ve created a simple video tutorial on how to create subtasks. If you’d prefer to see images and text, scroll down and enjoy!

Every task can contain subtasks, which break a goal into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, a task titled “Launch website” might include subtasks like “buy the domain name” and “design front page.”

Adding subtasks to existing tasks is easy. Just click on the task to expand it, in the top right you will find an icon to add subtasks. Pressing the enter key will create the task and add space for you to add another one if desired.

To change a subtask’s due date, click on the date to the far right of the sub-task’s name. Click on the icon of a person to assign the task to someone else.

Yalla lets you assign subtasks to other members of your team. If I assign the “design front page” task to a designer, it will show up on their board as a separate task. They can mark time on it, add notes and do everything else tasks offer. When they mark it as completed, Yalla will mark the subtask completed on the overarching “launch website” task on my board.

Tasks are an easy way to break complex processes into smaller, more manageable parts.

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