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Invite Your Team

We’ve created a simple video tutorial on how to invite your team. If you’d prefer to see images and text, scroll down and enjoy!

You can invite people to join your team in a few different ways:

You’ll be asked if you’d like to invite members of your team when you first sign up to use Yalla. Don’t worry, if you didn’t invite people and you’d wish to do so now…we’ve got a couple easy ways to do that.

The first way to invite someone to join your Yalla team is by simply sending them an invite and letting them go through their own setup process. Here’s how to do it:

1. Click on “My Account”, which is found by the settings area which is found near the top left hand portion of your screen. It looks like this: 

2. Now click on Organization. 

3. Go ahead and click on “users”

4. You’ll see your current users if you added any, and then you can click on the “+” sign to add a new user. 

5. Type in the email of the team member you’d like to add and then hit enter:

6. It will add the user to your team. Now you can click on that user’s settings and set the password yourself or tell the user that their username to log into Yalla is their email address. Then they can do a “forgot password” at the login screen at

7. Alternatively, if you don’t want to setup your team member yourself, you can just invite the user to setup their own user under your account. This will send them an email and walk them through a wizard for joining your account as a user on your team. 

Anyone that you have invited who has not accepted the invitation will show up in the “Invited Users” form field.

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